We are a group of Tesla drivers and fans from Austria and many other countries like switzerland, germany, sweden, italy, slovenia, ...
We organize exclusive events for our club members like Silence Rallye (www.silence-rallye.at) or winter driving experiences, technical workshops, awesome road trips, track days, ...
We help our members if they have questions about their Tesla or if they want to have advice where to charge or to stay in Austria during their holiday.
Together with club partners we offer special deals at hotels for our club members. You also get discounts for several products or Tesla
related services.
You can join our group if you are interested in participating at our exclusive events, meet new tesla friends or if you want to have access to special deals for our club members. The annual member fee is € 150,- (incl. 20% VAT)
Bitte den Code eingeben: Please input code
Es gilt die Datenschutzerklärung: I agree to the informations on data protection
Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen: Please fill in all forms marked with *
Important information:
With this registration you will get information regarding Tesla Club Austria via E-Mail. We will use your data only for administration purpose and not for advertising. Please be aware, that when
you attend an Tesla Club event that there might be photos and videos taken with you on it.